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ciel dégagé 27°C
Chiens dans le Parc du canal de Soulanges projet pilote 2022

Dogs: a pilot project being tested for the 2022 season

May 16, 2022

Dogs: a pilot project being tested for the 2022 season

Following an in-depth reflection carried out in collaboration with partners and users, a pilot project will take place for the summer of 2022. Dogs will be tolerated in the Parc du canal de Soulanges (and Soulanges Bike Path). Conditions (could change during the season, watch for announcements to that effect!):
➡ On the trail, please avoid the busiest periods (weekends between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.);
➡ Under surveillance and under control at all times;
➡ On a leash, maximum length of 1.5 m., retractable leash prohibited. Note: according to provincial regulations in effect since 2020 , any dog over 20 kg must also wear a halter or harness when in a public place.
➡ Held to the right, off the riding surface (path) when possible;
➡ Walk your dog OR ride a bike, not both at the same time! (only walks are allowed);
➡ Immediate collection of excrement;
➡ Courtesy and kindness are required.
The objective of this pilot project is to better document and supervise the presence of dogs in the park and to educate dog owners about minimizing the risks associated with their companion. The Parc du canal de Soulanges crosses many residential neighborhoods and we are aware that it is also a magical place for the daily outing of doggy. But we would like to remind you that having your dog with you in the park is a privilege and not a right, we hope that this pilot project will be done in harmony.
Our employees and our patrols will ensure the smooth running of the pilot project. A final decision regarding the Park’s regulations will be made during the post-mortem of this project. Watch our website for updates regarding this pilot project.
Reminder: Cyclists, please announce yourself when approaching pedestrians!
Thank you all for your cooperation!
Photo credit : Olivier Langevin