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Appel aux artistes
Activities Art et culture Community

A call to artists for the creation of an artistic placottoir at the canal!

February 14, 2023

A call to artists for the creation of an artistic placottoir at the canal!

The Soulanges Canal is a heritage site of great importance for the Vaudreuil-Soulanges region. It is also a gathering place for our citizens, where the identity of the place is intimately linked to family histories, childhood, or the landscape of a welcoming land for our new residents. For artists, the Soulanges Canal can be a place of inspiration, creation and diffusion. Such is the ambition of the Parc du canal de Soulanges, which places culture and the arts at the heart of its mission.

Context and project | Parc du canal de Soulanges is currently calling on artistic collectives (existing or spontaneous) or individual artists (in visual arts or multidisciplinary) to submit an application for the collective construction of a placottoir-type stop in the Soulanges Canal Park. The concept includes public participation in the creation phase, notably through citizen workshops and outdoor creation. These workshops, held over a period of 4 to 6 weeks, should solicit the spontaneous participation of site visitors and/or the transfer of knowledge from the artist to the visitor.

The artistic direction and coordination of the project is assured by the artist Sonia Haberstich, who will be joined by 2 or 3 other artists, selected on an individual basis or as a collective.

The project will be located at the entrance of the Village des Écluses, just in front of the new Parc du canal de Soulanges office, at 2 Chemin du Canal, Pointe-des-Cascades.

The project is made possible thanks to the support of the ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec and the MRC of Vaudreuil-Soulanges within the framework of the Entente en développement culturel 2021-2023. We would also like to thank the ministère des Affaires Municipales et de l’Habitation for their support of the Parc du canal de Soulanges’ 2023 operations.

The complete call for applications (french only) is available by following THIS LINK.

Send your complete file(documents assembled in a single pdf document) by email to Marianne Sigouin-Lebel, Executive Director of the Parc du canal de Soulanges(direction@canaldesoulanges.ca), no later than Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.