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Bannières 1200 x 600 (9)
Community Piste cyclable

Équipements régionaux – MRCVS donates $25,000 to Soulanges Canal Park

September 18, 2023

Équipements régionaux – MRCVS donates $25,000 to Soulanges Canal Park

The MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges is proud to support regional facilities on its territory, and is donating $25,000 to the Soulanges Canal Park for the Soulanges bike path. The sums received are used to maintain the infrastructures in place and keep them up to date. Every year, investments are made in the maintenance of the Soulanges bike path, to keep the infrastructure safe and welcoming, and to add amenities for users.

The 35-km trail offers visitors a variety of panoramic views of the region, as well as a range of activities including an exhibition of the trail’s banner banners, interpretation panels, sporting and cultural events, the Archéotour bicycle tour and the Xplorateur family tour in collaboration with Parks Canada.

“This renewed funding reiterates the importance the MRC attaches to the development of this cycling link in the region. The Soulanges bike path is an essential infrastructure that combines active mobility and discovery, and crosses the Soulanges Canal Park, MRC’s signature project,” says Patrick Bousez, prefect of the Vaudreuil-Soulanges MRC and mayor of Rivière-Beaudette.

“The support of the MRC de Vaudreuil-Soulanges is very important to us. It demonstrates the importance of the Soulanges bike path for the region. The bike path improves the quality of life of our Vaudreuil-Soulanges citizens, and we’re delighted to count the riverside towns and the MRC among our partners. This allows us to leverage our financial resources to maintain our infrastructure and improve the services offered to users year after year,” emphasizes Marianne Sigouin-Lebel, General Manager of the Soulanges Canal Park.